Prior to your NIE number appointment you will need to pay the NIE-Number tax of 9.87. You can pay this using a Ciaxa ATM Machine.
Step 1.
Download form 790 by clicking here
Step 2.
Once you have visited the webpage for completing form 790 you need to complete your details in the forms.

How to complete form 790 online
In the section where it says passport number please add your passport number
In the section where it says Apellidos y nombre o razón social insert your full name
In the field which states Tipo de vía insert the type of road you live on, for example, Carrier, or calle
In the box titled Nombre de la vía pública enter the name of your street or road name
Next, in the box titled NUM insert the property number
In the box titled Municipio put your town or village put your town or village
Where is says Provincia put the province your address is within
Where is says Codigo Postal put you’re post code in Spain
Scroll down the page and select option ‘Asignación de Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE) a instancia del interesado.’
Scroll down further and where it says Localidad put your town name
In the section titled INGRESO select the option ‘En efectivo‘
Finally complete the Captcha and Press submit
Print form 790 in black and white.
Step 3.

Find your Nearest Caixa Bank by clicking here
Step 4
Insert your bank Card. This can be any link type visa or Mastercard from any country.

Step 5
Enter your PIN number into the ATM Cash machine